We back entrepreneurs who are using technology to redefine the future of African digital commerce.
Since 2019, we’ve been high-conviction investors who are African digital commerce specialists.
We invest early early and provide tailored, practical support to our teams.
Females in Founding Team
For Founders
We know that funds who are not-Africa or emerging market-focused have become less enthused about investing on the continent. At the same time, we have seen deterioration in the food, fuel, and fiscal systems in African countries. Even as software eats the world, the world needs to eat. All this is leading to a slowdown in the geometric growth that African VC has seen in the past couple of years.
December 9, 2024
Sufficient Balance
This disconnect between the conditions that drove the growth of the digital economies in high income countries and on-the-ground reality in frontier markets creates what we call the frontier blindspot. As Western markets digitized their economies, the world developed intuitions about how technology markets are structured, what successful technology companies look like, and so on. This orthodoxy affects everyone, from founders to investors, driving strategy and informing investment decisions.
October 13, 2023